vintage is our something old.


One of the best outlets for vintage style is through gorgeous weddings. Here, at The Vintage Herald, we love nothing more than featuring “Big Day’s” that exemplify the timelessness, beauty, and excitement that you can only find with vintage themes.

engagement shoots

We have a huge weakness for couples that “just got for it” and have a vintage themed engagement shoot. It’s one of the best ways to represent your love and appreciation for a different time as well as show your personality as a couple.

vintage lifestyle

Although we live in a time of smart phones, memes, and technology, it’s nice to take a moment to sip a cuppa and appreciate the things that once were. Some may say “old-fashioned” or “out of style,” we say “where do we sign up?”

Celia St. Gelais

Celia St. Gelais

Creator + Founder + Expert Martini Drinker

Meet the queen of our castle! For as long as she can remember, Celia’s been in love with love. More specifically, she’s been in love with vintage love. She founded The Vintage Herald when she realized there were others out there who also had a passion for bringing the past into modern times. She set off with the goal to showcase this incredible talent and breathtaking imagery. Sprinkling in a bit of humor and fun, she thoroughly enjoys being taken into a different world created by the masterful professionals that we have the pleasure of featuring. Want to know a bit more about our fearless leader? Check out her answers to our spitfire questionnaire!

Books or Movies

Books – duh. But, The Office reruns and Netflix are life.

Lipstick or Lipgloss

Lipstick everyday – the bolder the color the better!

Georgian or Regency time periods

I love me some Mr. Darcy and Austen, but have to go Georgian. I dream of that fashion.

Flapper Dress or Poodle Skirt

Flapper Dress! Champagne over milkshakes, baby.

Mr. Darcy or Mr. Rochester

Mr. Darcy! But all brooding heroes are welcome at The Vintage Herald.

Versailles or Buckingham Palace

Versailles. Can you imagine wearing a stunning gown and gallivanting around a place like that!? May or may not think about that more than I should. Also, the history and stuff too.

Tea or Coffee

Tea. I collect vintage teacups, so they’d be offended if I answered differently.

Mad Men or The Tudors

The Tudors. It’s such a phenomenal show with phenomenal acting. Plus I find the history fascinating. However, I did do a Mad Men inspired engagement shoot with my husband (see it here). So this was a tough one.

High Tea or the Theater

This is a mean question. But if I have to pick… high tea in a theater during an amazing production. 🙂

Our Story

If you’re someone who’s fantasized over brooding heros, dreams of High Tea in Europe, and wants nothing more than to Charleston the night away, you are home. There is something so magical about the past, and how we can relate to it in modern times. The Vintage Herald is about showcasing just that. We strive to celebrate the beauty of yesteryear through 21st century lenses. How do we accomplish such a feat you may be asking yourself? Easy – we love to feature YOU!

If there’s anything we’ve learned, it’s that there are incredibly creative and passionate people in the world. We want to hear from you and celebrate all that you have to offer. So whether you have a vintage wedding, engagement shoot, a cake that Mary Berry would approve of, or a snazzy dinner party, we want to know about it! Head to our “Contact Us” page and let’s connect. We’d love to feature your big moments and make new friends who appreciate all things vintage.

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